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Sensors, temperature and pressure transmitters, level gauges, pH meters
et al. NPP Automatika

More than 12 years NEW TECHNOLOGIES GROUP has been supplying devices for measuring temperature, pressure, and monitoring the level of liquids. sensors for measuring the physical and chemical properties of solutions and converting electrical quantities. Our extensive expertise and using components from leading manufacturers is the main reason why the customers choose us.
Product catalog Avtomatika

About Avtomatika

NPP "Avtomatika" was founded in 1991 in Vladimir. According to the results of 2008, the company was recognized as the winner of the competition "The best enterprise of the Vladimir Region". Over the entire period of work, we have repeatedly received various awards and diplomas from many Russian and international exhibitions.

    The manufactured instrument products are intended for all industries: chemical, oil refining, gas, metallurgical, food, heat and power, etc.

    Production of ball valves for gas and liquids with manual control, pneumatic and electric drive, which can be completed with position sensors at the customer's request.

    Development and implementation of automation and dispatching systems for technological processes, including project documentation and software. Complete set, supervision of installation and commissioning.

Avtomatika catalog

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant Avtomatika: devices for measuring temperature, pressure, and monitoring the level of liquids. Sensors for measuring the physical and chemical properties of solutions and converting electrical quantities
  • Thermal converters Avtomatika
    Thermal converters
    IT, shopping center, NPT, etc.
  • Pressure transducers Avtomatika
    Pressure transducers
    PD, PE, DPE, etc.
  • Level gauges Avtomatika
    Level gauges
  • Conductometers Avtomatika
    AZHK-31xx, AZhK-31xxM, etc.
  • pH meters Avtomatika
    pH meters
    pH-4101, pH-41xx, etc.
  • Oxygen Analyzers Avtomatika
    Oxygen Analyzers
    ARK-5101, GP-5101, etc.
  • Monitoring devices Avtomatika
    Monitoring devices
    PCC, PKD, PS, ER, etc.
  • Ball valves Avtomatika
    Ball valves
    SKR, SHKP, SHKE, etc.
  • Rotary disc valves Avtomatika
    Rotary disc valves
    PN 1.0, 1.6, 2.5, etc

Find your Avtomatika product

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  1. Quotation

    To see our prices get the quotation or an official offer for Avtomatika products.

  2. Consultation

    Consult our specialists to get the most compatible and affordable Avtomatika products.

  3. Analogs selection

    Send us the marking of the competitor’s products and we will offer the best Avtomatika deal in terms of technical features and price.

  4. Order and delivery

    Inquire for invoice and Sales Agreement for companies and individual persons to buy Avtomatika products.

Information Board Avtomatika

Learn more about our products Avtomatika.
  • Price list for products of the plant Avtomatika
    Price list for products
  • Catalog for temperature measuring devices NPP Automation из каталога Автоматика
    Catalog for temperature measuring devices NPP Automation
  • Catalog for pressure measuring devices NPP Automation производства Автоматика
    Catalog for pressure measuring devices NPP Automation
  • Catalog for NPP Automation level gauges изготовителя Автоматика
    Catalog for NPP Automation level gauges
  • Catalog for NPP Automation conductometers завода Автоматика
    Catalog for NPP Automation conductometers
  • Catalog for pH meters of NPP Automation завода Автоматика
    Catalog for pH meters of NPP Automation
  • Catalog for oxygen analyzers NPP Automation завода Автоматика
    Catalog for oxygen analyzers NPP Automation
  • Catalog for NPP Automation control devices бренда Автоматика
    Catalog for NPP Automation control devices
  • Catalog of pipe fittings производства Автоматика
    Catalog of pipe fittings
  • Questionnaire for NPP Automation level gauges завода Автоматика
    Questionnaire for NPP Automation level gauges
  • Questionnaire for NPP Automation conductometers в магазине Автоматика
    Questionnaire for NPP Automation conductometers
  • Questionnaire for pH meters of NPP Automation изготовителя Автоматика
    Questionnaire for pH meters of NPP Automation


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